so, this past week, the associated press ran another story about blogging and dooce was mentioned (if you don't know her - go & read her archives. the beginnings of her site are hilarious. they chronicle her time in L.A & how she got canned).
the running of the story, like other stories in the past, brought out the trolls. i've included one such troll's 2 cents for your consideration. watch out ladies, Matt Jackson's quite a catch! And smart troo! just read & see why:
Subject: (blank) but his email address is
I read
the news in regards to your situation and find it pathetic. I am the principal
of a major company in Southern California with offices in 10 countries and;
1. I do not have a drug or alcohol habit,
2. Find you obviously immature
and foolish to aknowledge that you wrote about the company’s dirty laundry or
goings on and expected nothing to happen. This is similar to Jose Canseco except
all the more stupid since we can understand his position but yours is
indefensible and moronic since you were being paid. Have you ever heard the term
“discretion”? Try using some,
3. Find that your being a woman makes you a
liability in the work force to an employer, typically,
4. Find that when you
didn’t get what you wanted you went and got married, got knocked up, and pumped
out a puppy, hooray for you since now (hopefully) you won’t be wasting anymore
valuable time or money of an employer. This is typical of women who want
equality (and 12 more vacaction days a year when not pregnant, not to work
overtime and get paid for it, will sue for EEOC or related issues with no merit
at the drop of a hat, etc.) but don’t want to pay for it or earn it. Instead
they go have a baby. What a brilliant recovery.
5. No one cares, except for
the other hens you hang around with, which actor or athlete porked you. If you
were any good or worth the catch, they would have kept you. They didn’t and you
took your marbles back to you Utah, where you belong,
I hope this clarifies
a successful persons position. Best wishes in growing up.
wow. please, internet - feel free to tell Matt Jackson how this makes you feel, after all, he was thoughtful enough to include his email address. in case you missed it the first time it's
and just for shits and giggles, here's the response i sent off to our new friend:
"3. Find that your being a woman makes you a liability in the work force to an employer, typically,"
I'd just like to thank you for this mature, well thought out email. Clearly you are all grown up. How adult of you to write a numbered, grammatically atrocious list to a complete stranger in which you condemn the entire female gender. Your mother must be proud. The women unfortunate enough to work with you must relish your professionalism. The "major company" of which you are "principal" must be really excited about this little soap-box performance of yours. I'm sure your legal department, including any women therein, has some overtime in its future. Oh, and since I am without major affiliations who might frown on my personal opinions being sent off to a complete stranger over a very public medium, I can afford to speak frankly, Matt:
I hope your words jump up and bite you in the misogynistic ass. I hope you have a daughter and she reads your words and you feel true shame for being the dick-less fuck wit you are. I hope that women see your true colors and as a result, you never get laid again. I hope that your "major company" has the sense and balls to hold you accountable for your comments because I "find you obviously immature and foolish to" make hateful statements to a public figure with a following comprised of a lot more than "hens" using your name & referencing your position in the corporate world to air your own discriminatory beliefs "and expect(ed) nothing to happen. This is similar to Jose Canseco except all the more stupid since we can understand his position but yours is indefensible and moronic since you (are) being paid. Have you ever heard the term 'discretion'? Try using some"
Maybe Matt should've taken his own advice. Good luck and go fuck yourself.
1 comment:
Hi, I saw a comment you left over on GEORGE! and I thought I would pop over and check out your blog.
I wonder how many emails that guy ended up with, and spam. Serves him right, I know some people say Dooce shouldn't put up the emails of those types of people but I think they deserve a taste of their own medicine.
Just thought I would say hello!
So, hello!
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